Welcome to the SLAM! Community, a hub for physics with Short-Lived Atoms and Molecules
We want to bring together a community of scientists and engineers working across a wide range of fields, including AMO physics, nuclear physics, radiochemistry, physical chemistry, radioactive beams, astrophysics, precision measurement, and more, to realize the opportunities offered by atoms and molecules containing short-lived, radioactive nuclei.
Community Resources
Upcoming/Ongoing Events
FunSy Workshop at CERN - Fundamental symmetries in nuclei, atoms, and molecules
The FunSy workshop will be a hybrid in-person and on-line event hosted by CERN, located on the Meyrin campus outside of Geneva, Switzerland. This workshop aims to gather a community uniting nuclear and atomic physics techniques for producing and studying radioactive isotopes, AMO techniques for high precision symmetry-violation searches, and theoretical predictions for systems of the highest sensitivity towards setting constraints on new physics beyond the Standard Model, by forming a new collaboration
Thanks to everybody who attended!
12 July 2024
"Opportunities for fundamental physics research with radioactive molecules" published in Reports on Progress in Physics.
14 April 2023
We had great SLAM representation at the 2023 APS April Meeting GPMFC Workshop on Precision Measurements in the US Long-Range Plan for Nuclear Physics.
4 February 2023
Whitepaper "Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Research with Radioactive Molecules" has been posted to the arXiv.
There will soon be an FRIB User's Group for precision measurements with radioactive isotopes. Stay tuned for details about how to join.
Job Postings
Fundamental Symmetries Scientist at FRIB/NSCL
FRIB is searching for a Scientist to support fundamental symmetry research at FRIB. This is a permanent career track position funded by MSU and without teaching duties. For details see the advertisement or contact Jaideep Singh.
Assistant Physicist in Fundamental Symmetries at ANL
The Fundamental Symmetry Group in the Physics Division at Argonne National Laboratory invites applications for a junior staff position in experimental nuclear/atomic physics, focusing on lab-based tests of fundamental symmetries via precision experiments with cold molecules.
Previous Events
2021 Workshop: New Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Research with Radioactive Molecules (Virtual Meeting).
2022 DAMOP Satellite Meeting. You may view a recording and the slides of the presentation.
Fundamental Symmetries Workshop @ FRIB (November 2022)
Low Energy Community Meeting @ FRIB, Aug 9-11
New Postings
Please email Nick Hutzler if you want to add or post something